Mother's Fringe (calling of death by corona virus) - NilRanbow
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Friday, August 21, 2020

Mother's Fringe (calling of death by corona virus)


Death‘s  agent was calling a man,
who is hanging about the utmosts of the hill.

As like  a child retain his mother’s fringe securely,
It’s the only viaticum of a child.

The hanging man was far afraid of the incoming dead.He doesn’t know this dead present him a new and another life,

His death is important to save everybody from this virus,
His little son will also be saved, the word he gave his son “he always saves him from everything ” will survive.

If he dies, who saves his child from imminent danger?
Who will warn him about the ups and downs of life?

When he’ll look back as he walks the path With a sad look then will he get someone by 

his side or a vaguely imagined statue and some vague memories may stay with him.